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The Stoves Tromen line includes equipment with different heat outputs, from 5,000 to 27,000 kilocalories. They can be floor-standing units, which are loose-fitting and must be installed with all sides free, or inserts, which must be installed inside new or existing masonry enclosures. The different models can be seen on our website:
In principle we clarify that a wood heater gives heat mainly in the room where it is installed. Throughout the hours it can warm the air in the adjoining rooms, but the walls are limits that prevent the flow of hot air. Therefore, when consulting the model data sheets, you should take into account the surface of the room with a normal height of 2.50 m, not that of the whole house. If the height is greater, you must take in proportion an increase of the surface to be considered. For example, for a double height, double the surface area is considered. What is heated is air volume. Glazed openings, corridors and stairwells are heat loss factors. The central location of the equipment in the room favors heat distribution. It is not advisable to choose a very tightly fitting unit, but a slightly larger unit than indicated, since it is difficult to meet the ideal conditions.
A Tromen wood heater has a flue that must exit to the outside and reach the four winds. It can exit through the roof (even crossing more than one level) and through the wall. The ducts are, in most models of 4¨(15 cm in diameter). The larger models are 10¨(20 cm in diameter). They come in 1m lengths and can be made of stainless steel or black enameled.
The four winds are understood as the height where the combustion gases can exit freely without interference of any kind, from any of the four cardinal points. It is considered to be at least 50 cm above the most HEIGHT point of the building considered inclined planes, parapets, water tanks, etc. Provided that they are close enough to produce some air bounce that can penetrate inside the duct.
All installations, whether on the roof or on the wall, must be jacketed on the outside, i.e. with a double glass wool insulation duct between the two. The functions of the sleeving are several: to keep the inner duct warm until its exit to the four winds, which favors the draft, to protect the installation from rain and to protect the combustible materials from the action of heat in ceilings, narrow ceilings, slab passages, etc.
The inner ducts go "the top inside the bottom" so that the remains of the combustion fall inside the duct and do not drip through it, the outer ducts or jacketed go "the top outside the bottom", fulfilling its protective action.
A small percentage of the heat generated by the equipment comes out of the heat bypasses. They are used to provide heat to a room located in the middle wall or on the upper floor, taking advantage of the ascending property of heat. Long horizontal sections do not work, since the air cools down as it travels. The heat forcers should not be used in the ducts but can be used in the upper part of the room where the heat accumulates, letting it pass to the other side.
To find out if a Tromen insertable wood heater will fit an existing masonry fireplace, you must measure the width and HEIGHT of the mouth and the depth of the firebox at the floor of the firebox. Surely that depth decreases upward because of the presence of the lung. These dimensions should allow for the location of the equipment inside the enclosure. The lung should be removed because it no longer serves any function and is a nuisance in the installation. It is also necessary to verify whether the 6" (15 cm) or 8" (20 cm) duct, depending on the model, fits inside the existing chimney, since the Tromen ducts must reach the end of the chimney on all four sides.
Make a large bun of aerated paper and place it at the bottom of the fire chamber. Rest on it some fine wood of the fruit crate type in a pyramidal shape. With the air inlet lever open to the maximum and the door ajar, light the paper, which will immediately ignite the woods. Do not use combustible substances of any kind. When the fire is burning because the ducts have been heated, the chimney effect is being achieved, which produces a draft of combustion gases. From that moment on, medium-sized logs should be added, and the air inlet lever can be closed to the middle position. When you have achieved a good fire base you can add the large firewood in size and quantity, not before. It is important to keep an eye on the fire and keep feeding it to keep the flue warm, as if it cools down you have to start all over again because the fire will choke. The air inlet lever can be closed when a good fire is achieved but not completely because it can go out.
Green or wet firewood should not be used. The percentage of humidity should be minimal. If you have firewood from pruning, you should let it dry until next year. It is in conditions to be used when in the interior of the logs there are cracks coming from the dehydration of the wood. It is convenient to have different types of firewood. The lighter ones, such as eucalyptus, are used to bring the equipment into a regime more quickly. The denser ones, such as quebracho, last longer and are generally used at night, when you are not there to feed the fire. Firewood suppliers will offer different types depending on your geographic location. The most resinous kindling stains glass and ductwork. They can be used but should be maintained more frequently. They can obstruct the ducts in a HEIGHT percentage, producing the bad draft and the exit of smoke towards the interior of the environment, because it does not arrive to go out for the chimney. The performance of the firewood is relative, it depends on several factors of the firewood, the user and the model of equipment.
The entry of smoke into the environment when the door is opened can be due to several factors:
-Use of green or wet firewood, which generates a bad combustion. It is perceived because it stains the glass.
-Bad procedure in the ignition and maintenance of the fire (see question on this subject).
- External installation without casing, which produces a thermal shock that hinders the drafting process
-Clogged ducts due to lack of cleanliness or other accidental reason
- Installation that does not reach the four winds and there is a backflow of combustion gases to the chimney.
- Location of elbows in a wall installation at an inappropriate height. Once these points have been verified, an error in the equipment can only be considered, not before. In large units (PATAGONIA onwards), which have a movable temperator, this mechanism that helps the gas exit when the door is opened may be stuck.
Tromen equipment has been designed to be used with wood. Any adaptation to gas is not endorsed by the factory, neither for performance nor for safety. If you wish to make such an adaptation, we recommend that you consult a registered gas fitter who takes into account the safety measures required for gas equipment by the competent authority.
Within the mentioned terminology, the difference between stove, salamandra and wood heater, there is no difference, they are similar concepts. In the market there is a wide variety of brands and each one uses as variables to bring the product closer to the final consumer with its concept, in our case all our products have double combustion, it is the concept that differentiates us from the old open mouth fireplaces, cast iron salamanders or single combustion wood Stoves . To make it clear, stove, salamandra or wood heater as long as they are of double combustion and closed fire chamber is what makes the difference with respect to the old concept.
No 90* elbows deposit combustion residues and are not conducive to pulling and subsequent maintenance and cleaning of ducts, the bypasses should be made at 45*.
Firewood from different tree species releases between 3,800 and 5,000 kilocalories per kilogram (Kcal/kg) when burning.
These values correspond to dry firewood. The difference in Kcal/kg between the different species does not exceed 20%. The different wood densities determine different volumes for the same weight. Therefore, the calories per unit volume vary according to the density of the wood. These variations can be greater than 100%.
Tromen equipment requires maintenance, if it has been used intensively throughout the cold season, and if wood with a high content of residues such as quebracho is used. In this case, at the end of the season or at the beginning of the next one, the installation should be cleaned.
If the temperer is found with abundant soot on it, the ducts need to be unclogged as well. It should be observed if the temperer has its holes uncovered to generate the double combustion. These holes should always be oriented downwards.
The installation has two ends that must be released for cleaning: at the upper end, the shade, which is fixed with screws and must be removed, and at the lower end, the temperer, which is supported in the firebox and must also be removed, leaving the entire duct run free. On the floor of the firing chamber it is convenient to place a container where all the dirt will fall. The duct can be cleaned with a homemade swab of the diameter of the duct (6"=15cm) for most models, which should be pulled with a rope from both ends to clean it. This system is ideal for ceiling installations, as they are completely vertical.
Another element to be used can be a chain that crosses the chimney and with soft knocks produces the detachment of the residues stuck within it. This system is useful in the case of wall installation with elbow, counter-elbow and inclined section, points where a greater amount of soot is usually deposited.
After cleaning, it is necessary to reassemble the ends of the installation, tempering and overlapping, verifying if the latter is not too deteriorated by use, in which case it should be replaced. To help to remove the incrustations, a last ignition can be made using the Tromen chimney sweeper before cleaning and use it regularly according to the indications on the package.
A Tromen wood heater has a flue that must exit to the outside and reach the four winds. It can exit through the roof (even crossing more than one level) and through the wall. The ducts are, in most models, 6¨(15 cm in diameter). The larger models are 8¨(20 cm diameter). They come in 1m lengths and can be made of stainless steel or black enameled.
They are different production lines in structure design and price. Some characteristics that differentiate them are:
The Angus gas girl has the possibility of regulating the maximum and minimum burner flame, if it is connected to bottled gas as it comes from the factory, it must have a gas container (10 kg cylinder + regulator), if it is connected to natural gas it must be fixed to the wall of the equipment, losing independence and transfer. It is advisable to cover it with a cover and protect it from the weather.
The electric Angus E480, for the moment the resistance does not have a temperature regulator, and the cooking must be managed with the on/off switch and the lid of the equipment is connected to 220v. We recommend an independent thermal key of the rest of the installation.
For more information, please visit our website
Consider that in the structure the equipment background is widened again. I am sending you some documentation for better interpretation.
In the enclosed manual, on pages 7 (EMBUTIR), 16 Installation of the built-in furnace and 17 of the combustion outlet pipe, we provide information on the bottom structure of the equipment.
However, the width after the front plate is reduced to 56 cm but at the bottom it returns to 60 cm. The closing of the niche at the wall is achieved by blowing the front about 4 cm, at the top it is covered and at the bottom it allows the entry of air necessary for combustion.
The answer is NO, for this purpose special pellet stoves or boilers are used, our equipment was designed for wood combustion.
The curing of enameled parts does not involve much procedure, in fact metal curing is for old discs (read review) or those that have not been treated by Enameled.
The idea rather than curing is to eliminate any foreign impurities at the beginning of the cooking process.
a)Preheating the Plow Disc plow Enameled
b) Place a little neutral oil inside and with an absorbent paper, wipe the oil all over the internal surface.
c) Let it finish heating for about 2 or 3 minutes until we see some smoke coming out and it will be enough.
d) At the end of each meal it should be washed and dried like any other pot.
We do not currently have a recipe book, but you can find a lot of information on the Gourmets website, television programs that use our products and cookbooks.
The installation has two ends that must be released for cleaning: at the upper end, the cap, which is fixed with screws and must be removed, and at the lower end, the temperer, which is supported in the firebox and must also be removed, leaving the entire path of the ducts free. On the floor of the fire chamber it is convenient to put a container where all the dirt falls. The duct can be cleaned with a homemade swab of the diameter of the duct (6"=15cm) for most models, which should be pulled with a rope from both ends to clean it. This system is ideal for ceiling installations, as they are completely vertical.
After cleaning, it is necessary to reassemble the ends of the system, tempering and cap, checking if the latter is not too deteriorated by use, in which case it should be replaced. To help to remove the incrustations, a last ignition can be made using the Tromen chimney sweeper before cleaning and use it regularly according to the indications on the package.
If you have any other questions Complaint, do not hesitate to contact us.